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FleetMentor® Registration
Register for 30-day FREE access to J.J. Keller's FleetMentor, the ultimate guide in helping fleet managers improve the way they manage their operations, personnel, and safety. To register for a no cost, no obligation trial, please use the form below or call us at 1-877-595-1157 for assistance.

FleetMentor respects your right to privacy. Please view our Privacy Statement for more information.

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If you are responding to a mailing, please enter the 8-digit "Promo Code" found near the top of your name and address on the mailing.
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J.J. Keller Account Number (if known):

Your Information *Required Field
*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Company Name:
*Address 1:
Address 2:
Zip/Postal Code:  
*Email Address:
 Your Company's Main Address (if different from the above)

Zip/Postal Code:

Business Information
To better understand and serve FleetMentor members, we ask that you provide the following information. This information is for our use only and is not sold or provided to 3rd parties, given away or used in any other manner.
Primary business activity at location
Number of employees at your location
Number of power units at your location
Do you transport Hazmat?
Years in business
Annual Sales
Select your industry
Do you operate?    
Are your fleet operations?

 I agree to use J. J. Keller's FleetMentor service in accordance with the Personal License.

Important: FleetMentor may not be used to prepare work products, documents, or reports for any
party outside of your organization. If you have this type of need, please use the Commercial Use License.